The first years
- 1981
- Foundation of the Rosenberg Ventilatoren GmbH in Künzelsau
- 1983
- Establishment of the first foreign branches:
» Rosenberg-France (Airpro) in Lyon
» Rosenberg-Netherlands in Den Dolder - 1986
- Foundation of Airtecnics in Barcelona (Spain)
New challenges
- 1987
- Air handling unit (AHU) production starts in Künzelsau
- 1990
- Production of external rotor motors starts in Künzelsau
- 1991
- Production of belt driven centrifugal fans starts in Waldmünchen (BavAiria)
- 1992
- Rosenberg - Italia (San Vito) begins to produce forward curved impellers
Growth in Europe
- 1993
- Production of motor components starts in Klenci (Czech Republic)
- 1994
- Takeover of the French fan manufacturer ECOFIT (Vendôme)
- 1995
- Production of AHU‘s starts in Tokodaltaro (Hungary)
- 1998
- Opening of Russian sales offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk
- 1998
- Enlargement of AHU production in Hungary to 10.000 m² especially for the Eastern European market
- 2001
- Start of a new production line for AHU’s in Glaubitz (near Riesa)
- 2002
- Takeover of the French fan manufacturer ETRI by subsidiary ECOFIT
» Own branch office in Charlotte (USA): Etri Inc. to Rosenberg USA Inc.
- 2003
- Foundation of 100% subsidiaries:
» Melbourne (Australia)
» Shanghai (People´s Republic of China) - 2004
- Sales offices in Dubai and Kiev:
» Rosenberg Middle East for the Arab market
» Rosenberg Ukraina - 2005
- » Development and production of EC-Motors in Germany (Künzelsau)
- » Foundation of Rosenberg Fans Canada in Mississauga, Ontario
- 2006
- Expansion of the segment „Air conditioning technology“
» by taking over the ROX Lufttechnik GmbH (Weitefeld)
» Relaunch of the ROX Klimatechnik GmbH - 2008
- Certification of the test chambers in Künzelsau by TÜV-SÜD
- 2010
- Opening of the new casting and stamping in Medzev (Slovakia)
- 2011
- Dedication of the new production hall (4.400 m²) in Künzelsau
- 2011
- Foundation of Rosenberg Havalandirma in Istanbul (Turkey)
- 2012
- Dedication of a further production hall in Klenci (Czech Republic)
- 2013 - 2019
- Intensive expansion of global sales activities
- 2020
- Expansion of the office space (Werk4) at the headquarters in Künzelsau